
Barbary Wolfberry Fruit

Wolfberry, a sweet wild fruits

These small orange-red fruits, charmingly sweet and slightly spiced are generally found dried or in fruit juice. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the Wolfberry is an excellent food supplement for athletes. The Wolfberry also has the value to stimulate the cell renewal!

Quickly discover the origins of this fruit and its usages!

Origins and growing :

The "wolfberry" is the trade name of the fruit of Goji. It can be found essentially in the northwest of China.

The Wolfberry is cultivated in temperate zones and in enough sunshine. The growing of Wolfberry depends essentially on the temperature difference in the day and night, and on the quality of available water. The city of Ningxia has the best conditions of growing of Wolfberry, with a long duration of sunshine and the affluent mineral waters of the yellow river. So the best Wolfberries of the world can be found in Ningxia.

The wolfberry must be dried slowly in the shade. The leaf of Wolfberry is a tonic tea. In the old days, the bark of the roots of Wolfberry was also used as a medicine to reduce fever and cough.

Nutritional and medicinal values:

In Asia, people found the wolfberry has numerous medicinal values. Its bays contain abundant amino acids, trace elements, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E, and thus can help people to strengthen their  immune systems.

Usages :
Most of the time, the Wolfberry is consumed as dried fruits. The wolfberry can be used in drinks (similar with green tea, lemon, dates, honey, dried chrysanthemum), in juice and even in capsule. There are a lot of fruit juices containing it.

There is also some wolfberry liqueur, such as rice wine. Finally, the wolfberry is well used as base ingredient for salty or sweet broth. In Asia, it is used as flavor to enrich drinks and dishes.

Recipes :


• Wolfberry in drinks:
Add a few of wolfberries in some green tea with lemon, dates, honey, or dried chrysanthemum … according to your preferences.

• Related product of Wolfberry: 
Soak wolfberries in rice wine. This Wolfberry wine is the specialty of Ningxia city.

• Fortifying Wolfberries Chicken Broth :
Make simmer hen with wolfberries, dates, ginger, dried mushrooms and some slices of DIOSCOREA